Jen Marriner Photography

Be taken by your pictures…

Lake Ontario May 22, 2008

Filed under: my world — jenmarriner @ 12:05 am

Here are a couple of pics I snapped out at Camp Hollis a few weeks ago (I’ve been so busy that I’m just now getting to them!). Grant’s Cub Scout pack had their annual spring campout there and as usual I spent most of my time waiting by the fence for the sunset…


2 Responses to “Lake Ontario”

  1. Jennifer of VanSuydam Photography Says:

    Patrick and I are trying to find a beautiful outdoor location for our wedding ceremony on September, and Camp Hollis was recommended to us. I haven’t been there since I did the week-long camp stay during the Summer before 4th grade, hahaha.

  2. Jen Marriner Says:

    Camp Hollis would be a wonderful place for a wedding! Especially if you could order up a nice sunset for that day. 🙂 The only thing that I would warn you about are the bugs. There are a LOT of bugs out there, at least there are in the early spring. I’ve never been there in late summer or fall.

    Yeah, lots of bugs. I had to clone – no exaggeration – about fifty of them out of one of the other pictures I took that evening.

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